DECEMBER NEWSLETTER 2024 REMINDER: Our last day before vacation is Friday, December 20th. Pick up time is 12 noon. There will be no Lunch Bunch. Classes will begin again on Monday, January 6th. NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day. CURRENT TUITION & LUNCH BUNCH charges and any outstanding fees should be paid before Winter Break begins. Please pay all your charges by Wednesday, December 18th. HOLIDAY CELEBRATIONS: We try to celebrate, in some way, each of the holiday traditions that are meaningful to our children. During this month we really get into the cultural and happy aspects of Hanukkah, Christmas, and some of the festivities of other cultures and countries. Each class learns from and enjoys these celebrations! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS! Your incredible response to our Giving Tuesday tradition has warmed our hearts. Your donations will be put to great use to help fund many beneficial items throughout the school. Thank you! Donations may be made at any time of the year. We are grateful for your gifts at any level and, most importantly, for you being part of our T&C community whether you are donating or not. PRIVATE SCHOOL RECOMMENDATIONS must be given to the teachers and or directors as soon as you can. This allows everyone, including each school, the processing time they need. JANUARY PARENT EDUCATION – PUBLIC SCHOOLS: We will host an information session on Thursday, January 9th in the school library from 12:30-2:00 to discuss TK and Kindergarten expectations, and the enrollment process for public schools. PVUSD, Cornerstone, RBUSD, and TUSD school representatives will be in attendance. Important dates for their programs will be provided. You may aso contact their administrative ofices directly for information. Please RSVP to Miss Deidre in the office or, if we have already gone out on holiday break, please RSVP via email or by leaving a message. Let us know if your child will be staying for Lunch Bunch so you won’t be charged. SIBLINGS WITHOUT RIVALRY CLASSES begin on Tuesday, January 14th from 12:30 to 2:00pm and Tuesday evenings 6:00 to 7:30pm with Miss Sharon. Enrollment forms for this 6-week class are available in the office and on the T&C website. Copies of our class book of the same name are available for $15.00 in the office now and at the first class in January. NEW STUDENT & SIBLING REGISTRATION for the 2025-2026 school year will be done any time in January through Monday, February 10th. Prospective students must turn three (3) years old by December 31, 2025 to be eligible. Siblings and Legacies will need to register, choose days, and pay fees in January (before the Lottery). We will be numbering the cards as we receive them. It will be first come first serve to get their first choice of a schedule. This is being done due to the high number of legacies and siblings. A non-refundable Registration fee of $200, as well as a $600 Tuition Deposit, is due upon registration. The Tuition Deposit can be split into installments by arrangement with Miss Deidre. This deposit may be refunded up to April 15th should your plans change. If you decide to stay, your deposit will be refunded on your departure from T&C when all other financial responsibilities have been met. RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION for the 2025-2026 school year is done ONLINE in the comfort of your own home, beginning on Monday, January 27th at 6:00am and continuing through Friday, January 31st at 3:00pm. Registration is processed in the order that it is received and those who register early are more likely to receive their choice of 3 or 4 day schedules. A non-refundable Registration fee of $200.00 must be paid in person in the T&C office by Friday, January 31st to hold your online registration placement. If you wish to be assured of an enrollment spot for 2025-2026, you must register your child by Monday, February 10th, 2024, before our Lottery on February 11th. PRACTICE ONLINE REGISTRATION begins Monday, January 13th at 8am through Sunday, January 19th ending at 8am. Please go online that week to familiarize yourself with the process before the real registration for returning Students begins on Monday, January 27th at 6:00am. If you have any questions, please call Miss Sharon or Miss Julie. WELCOME to the newest additions to our Town & Country families. Archer is a big brother to Harper! Sophia is a big sister to William. WISHING each of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays and a marvelous vacation!!!! |