

OUR FALL CLASSES begin on Tuesday, September 3rdVisiting Days for Parents and Children are on Thursday August 29th and/or Friday, August 30th.  For less crowded visiting we’ve developed the following visiting schedule: 

9:00 – 9:45

Miss Joanne MWF

Miss Diana MWF

Miss Christine

Miss Heidi

Miss Aadree

9:45 – 10:30

Miss Joanne TTh

Miss Diana TTh

Miss Christine

Miss Heidi

Miss Aadree

10:30 – 11:15

Miss Maria TTh

Miss Alexis

Miss Shannon

Miss Kiana

11:15 – 12:00

Miss Maria MWF

Miss Alexis

Miss Shannon

Miss Kiana

(More than one child, please choose time!)

SCHOOL HOURS & ARRIVAL: These are traditionally from 9:00 – 12:00. However, due to our small parking lot, for the first two weeks the Upper Floor arrival hours will be 9:1511:45. The Lower Floor arrival hours will be 9:00 – 12:00. The youngest children may be ready for pick up by 11:30 during the beginning weeks. During these first days at school your child may prefer being walked into school by his/her parents or caregiver. Please use only the Footsteps Stairway, when entering or exiting the campus. (All other entries, Via Rosa parking and parking spaces behind the Parish Hall, are reserved for the church!) When your child feels secure in the new environment, we are available to help him/her from the car for footsteps drop off.

DROP OFF & SIGN IN:  If your child seems ready to walk the blue footsteps, please be aware the right-hand lane (closest to the canyon) is for footsteps drop off only (that includes bikes and ebikes). The left-hand lane is for parking and walking your child into class or for exiting the parking lot. For drop off watch the cars in front of you and count 4 cars as they enter the upper sign-in spots. Wait at the STOP placard below and watch for all 4 cars to clear the above drop off spots. Proceed with caution when directed by Miss Sharon or Miss Julie because there are many children and parents walking their children into school. SAFETY is our highest priority. Please wait your turn. Once you have entered one of the drop off spots, remain in your car. We will help your child from the car by opening the car door and assisting the child as you Sign In. The children will follow either the blue footsteps to their classroom or the pathway to the yard as they are greeted by our staff. We’ll do some practicing during school hours so that the children will understand.

If you are walking your child in, after parking be sure to use the middle island, walking in front of the cars instead of behind the cars and then over to the yellow crosswalk.   Also, please make sure you sign your child in on the appropriate clipboard on the tables outside the office. Sign with your legal signature and the time on your child’s teacher’s pageClearly print your child’s first and last name. Thank You! Please be aware that all children must be SIGNED IN and OUT every daySigning is required by the State of California. 

PARKING: Parking for T&C is in the Lower Back Parking Area. We must avoid other parking areas, none of which are for our use. Please drive very slowly through the parking area and monitor your speed on Via Rosa! Always hold the hands of your children in the Parking Lot. If you need “extra hands” we will help. Also, Town & Country is a

cell phone-free area! Your children need your full attention.

TUITION: Checks are due and payable on the first of each month. There will be a $30 late charge if tuition is not received by the 10th of the month. Please place checks in the basket at the front desk. We do not send bills. Tuition for two days a week is $455.00; three days is $675.00; four days is $895.00 per month. Families with more than one child enrolled may deduct 10% from the total month’s tuition. Tuition may also be paid online on our website. Any questions, please speak with Miss Deidre in the office.

HOME VISITS: Each of our teachers will visit the children in their homes. This is a wonderful way for your child and his/her teacher to form a closer relationship which helps with comfort and connections at school. Remember, teachers plan to visit and play with your T&C child, not to visit the parent(s) or siblings. Your teacher will contact you to schedule her visit in the early Fall after getting acquainted with the children at school in September.

LUNCH BUNCH: Our afternoon group of supervised play meets Monday through Friday from 12:00-3:00. Whenever you wish to make use of this service just send your child with his/her lunch. Charges are done in two different ways:

1) When you pay as you go, the fee is $18.00 per hour, or 2) When you buy the Lunch Bunch Pass for $500.00, you will be charged at $15.00 per hour. All children must be signed out at the office as they leave the Lunch Bunch program. With prior request by 9:30 of the day you wish to come, children may join us in the afternoon of their morning off(Late fees are charged if we do not receive a phone call indicating you will be late. Late fees are at the rate of $3.00 per 5 minutes, beginning at 3:05.)

EARLY BIRDS: Our before-school childcare is called “Early Birds” and meets on the brick patio. Children may be walked into school beginning at 8:00 a.m. on any school day. For any arrival before 8:50 the Early Bird charge is $15.00. This charge goes on your account as Lunch Bunch does. Children are to be signed-in at the office and checked in with the Early Bird staff member who remains with the children until 8:50. At that time they are walked to their respective classroom teachers for the regular 9-12 program.

SEPTEMBER PARENT EDUCATION: Please join us Monday, September 16th from 5:00-6:30 pm for our first parent education of the year! We will start by having a “Meet and Greet” where you can get to know other T&C families followed by a parent panel of current and past T&C parents to discuss what they wish they would have known when their child started T&C. You can ask them questions as well! Adults only. Please RSVP to the school office at

310-375-2829 by Friday, September 13th.

PARENTING CLASSES are offered throughout the school year. Our monthly newsletter will advise you as to those dates! An information sheet and sign-up form regarding the 6-week fall Parenting Classes will be available on our website and in our office if you are interested in joining the class. The afternoon (12:30-2:00pm) and evening (6:00 -7:30pm) classes with Miss Sharon will begin on Tuesday, October 8th. Both classes meet in the school library. Childcare is available for your T&C student in the afternoon only at normal LB rates. All parents interested in discussing the growth and development of their children and parenting skills are welcome.

FORMS: All school forms must be completed and turned into the office by August 13th. Without these completed forms your child is unable to stay at school. If there is a problem getting your forms in by this date please contact Miss Deidre at the school office. Second and third year students need only return a new Emergency Form & Parents Rights Form each year. All students must a have a new Emergency/Disaster Kit by the 1st day of school. Thank you for your cooperation.

WELCOME TO THE T&C FAMILY:  Tala is a big sister to Ruby! Hiro has a new baby sister Aiko! Congratulations to this growing family!

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