
Town & Country has a variety of parent involvement activities. We try to inform you of any special events held at school as soon as possible in the school year. We also try to accommodate your busy schedules.

Click to access our 2024-2025 Calendar

The following summarizes our regular family activities:

  • Back-to-School Night is held in October for parents to visit their child’s classroom and hear the teacher discuss the goals for the school year.
  • Family Days are held on a school morning (10:00-11:30 am) or on a Saturday morning. The purpose is for an important family member to spend part of a typical morning with their child at school.
  • Conferences are held early in March to discuss your child’s growth and development. School is closed for two days with child care provided for T&C children during the conference. Parents may schedule conferences earlier in the year, before or after school. Telephone conferences may also be arranged.
  • The Olympics are held every June, during school hours for Rooms 6 through 10. This is a graduation celebration of physical education activities that the children have learned during their school year.

Parent participation is always welcomed, but not required. Below are listed some  examples of activities which could be shared with you child’s class should you have available time and wish to participate:

  • Cooking
  • Sharing cultural traditions
  • Leading art/craft projects
  • Making playdough for class
  • Providing special snack
  • Playing an instrument
  • Sharing your occupation, hobbies, etc
  • Carving a pumpkin
  • Reading a story
  • Singing or dancing
  • Hanging out and playing