Town & Country Nursery School is open to all without discrimination based on race, gender, national origin, or religious affiliation. All children who turn 3 years old by December 31st of the year they plan to attend, are physically able to attend and will benefit from our program are eligible to apply for admission.
Our Registration process begins in January of the year your child turns three. Please plan to visit our school in January or early February. Sit and observe in any of our rooms or outside. During the school year we conduct tours on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am. During summer months they take place monthly. You must call ahead to schedule a tour. You can do this by calling Town and Country at 310-375-2829. Rooms 1 and 2 have the youngest and each group is approximately three to four months older as we progress to Room 6 where our oldest children, the five year olds, reside.
If you decide to register your child, you will need to complete the application card selecting a 1st and 2nd choice by the day before our Lottery in early February. If we receive more cards than we have space, a card drawing or Lottery will be held in early February to place new students. The Director and staff members will assign children to appropriate classes. Following the Lottery, any applications remaining after classes are filled will be placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be used until the following January.
Parents will be notified by mail within a few days of the outcome of the class assignments. Fees will be accepted after class assignments are made. Orientation appointments for new families will be scheduled with our Director for all who are selected in the Lottery. Otherwise, meetings are arranged when requested. Please feel free to ask questions of each of us in the Office; however, the teaching staff must focus solely on the children.
Please click on the following link to access our Parent Handbook
Tuition is payable, in advance, by the first of each month or on an annual basis. A late charge of $30 is assessed if received after the 10th of the month. Full tuition is due each month for September through May, with half tuition due in June (10 months). Summer School is elected and charged on a per session basis for July and/or August.
No fees will be accepted until class assignments are made. When notified of their child’s placement in a class, parents will be requested to send a $200 Registration fee (Non-Refundable) as well as a Tuition Deposit of $600 (if you decide not to enroll this is refundable up until April 15th).
Morning Program
- Three year olds
- Two days (Tuesday & Thursday) – $455/month
- Three days (Monday, Wednesday, & Friday) – $675/month
- Four year olds
- Three days (variety of combinations) – $675/month
- Four days (variety of combinations) – $895/month
- Older Four year olds: 4 days (Tuesday-Friday afternoons 12:00-3:00) – $895/month
Lunch Bunch:
- Lunch Bunch Fee Without Pass is $18/hour
- Lunch Bunch Fee with a $500 Lunch Bunch Pass is $15/hour
Our calendar often follows the Palos Verdes, Torrance and/or Redondo Beach School District schedules.
Disaster preparedness requires that families provide a personal package for their child containing a complete change of clothes, snacks, any medications needed, emergency contact info and a letter from home. Town & Country will supply water, emergency blankets and needed first aid. T&C staff will stay with your children until families are able to pick them up.
Home Visits by the Teacher of your child will be made during the Fall Semester.
ENROLLMENT FORMS (for newly admitted students): Click on each link below to access information and enrollment forms. Fill out enrollment forms online, print and sign, and bring in to the T&C office. Physicians Report (#2) MUST be filled out and signed by your child’s pediatrician.
*RETURNING STUDENTS need only fill the Identification and Emergency Information Form (#10)
1. Parent Handbook (please read, sign and submit signature page yearly)
2. physicians-report-lic701 (must be filled out and signed by physician)
4. consent-medical-treatment-lic627
6. pre-admission-health-form-ca-lic702
8. parents-rights-lic995 (must be updated yearly)
10. identificationandemergencyinformation (must be updated yearly)
11. emergencykitletter (kit is due the 1st day of school and a new one supplied yearly)